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Day: 28 March 2017

Proposal for directive to implement Marrakesh Treaty throughout EU

The Marrakesh Treaty was adopted in 2013 at the WIPO with the aim of facilitating the availability and cross-border exchange of books and other print material in accessible formats around the world. It was signed by the Union in April 2014. The Treaty requires the parties to provide exceptions or limitations to copyright and related rights for the benefit of blind, visually impaired and otherwise print-disabled persons and allows for the cross-border exchange of special format copies of books, including audio books, and other print material between countries that are parties to the Treaty.

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Russian government allowed forming of interagency commissions for blocking of web-sites in severe cases

Russian government has adopted amendments to one of its decrees concerning the blocking of web-sites. The special interagency commission can be formed if the case is difficult. But amendments also provide certain details in procedure when information in question is to be blocked.

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