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Day: 15 February 2018

White paper – a copyright policy for creativity and innovation in the European Union

In this White Paper, the Commission has presented its views on the main issues and possible course of action with respect to a number of policy questions and suggested further analysis on a number of others. Policy decisions on the issues raised in this document should be considered during the upcoming 2014-2019 legislative period.

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Reasons for Vitorino’s recommendations on private copying and reprography levies: specificities with regard to the reprography exception

The private copying exception and the reprography exception follow different approaches. Whereas the scope of the private copying exception is limited to reproductions that serve a specific purpose (“for private use”), the reprography exception covers reproductions on a specific medium (paper), using a specific method (“any kind of photographic technique”). Literally taken, reproductions on paper for private use are covered by both exceptions. The Directive does not regulate the relationship between the two exceptions.

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