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The law toughening punishment for failure to delete false information from internet adopted in third reading

The Russian state duma has adopted amendments to Russian administrative code and Russian criminal code in third – final – reading. These amendments toughen liability for failure to delete false information from internet under the court order prescribing to cease dissemination of such information or to notify that such information is false.

If the person failures to delete false information or give notion on false information, previously published, under the court order, such person is to be fined as follows: 20 thousands Roubles if such person is natural person, 50 thousands Roubles if such person is officer and 200 thousands Roubles if such person is legal entity. These are the fines for first violation of law.

If the person again failures to execute the court decision after the fine has been imposed, the law provides another liability for such person: for natural person the law provides administrative detention up to 10 days or mandatory works up to 120 hours, for officer the law also provides administrative detention but up to 15 days or mandatory works up to 200 hours and for legal entity the law provides fine up to 200 thousands Roubles.

If all measures of administrative nature have been applied and the person during the year still failures to execute the court order the law provides liability set up in article 315 of Russian criminal law. This article provides the fine up to 50 thousands Roubles, or the fine equal to six-month salary or other incomes, received within six months, of indicted. The criminal law also provides the liability in the form of mandatory works up to 240 hours, or detention up to 3 months, or jail up to one year.

For officers and employers of legal entities the law provides more rigorous liability. The fine is up to 200 thousands Roubles or equals to 18-months salary or other incomes, received within 18 month, of indicted. The detention term is up to 6 months and the jail term is up to 2 years. Disqualification term is up to 5 years.