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Category: Internet

SWD Impact assessment on the modernisation of EU copyright rules – options to achieve the objectives: baseline and option 1

It were assessed the baseline scenario, one non-legislative and two legislative options to facilitate licensing in order to enhance cross-border transmissions of TV and radio programmes online. The considered options are enabling options aiming to facilitate licensing of rights, in order to allow the market to respond gradually to legal and policy changes.

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Whether “volitional conduct” is required to establish a claim for direct copyright infringement

T&S hosts a website that includes a public forum called “HairTalk.” Users of the forum may post content, share comments, ask questions, and engage in online interactions with other users on a range of topics including hair, beauty, and celebrities. Use of HairTalk is governed by terms of service providing that “any photo containing… celebrities… or any copyrighted image (unless you own the copyright) is not permitted.” Every time someone logs on to HairTalk, the user must agree to these terms.

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Russian Yandex cited weak sides in MinCult’s DMCA

Russian Ministry of Culture has proposed to restrict access to pirate web-sites available in Russia without court order. Actually there are a lot of MinCult’s ideas (1,2) aiming to protect intellectual property in Russia and fight with digital piracy. Russian company Yandex believes MinCult’s proposal provides search engines with authority and functions similar to those of courts.

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Proposals to Directive on copyright in DSM – presumption for publishers of press publications

A free and pluralist press is essential to ensure quality journalism and citizens’ access to information. It provides a fundamental contribution to public debate and the proper functioning of a democratic society. The sustainability of the press publishing industry should therefore be ensured.

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Russian Ministry of Culture has proposed its analogue of USA DMCA

Russian Ministry of Culture (MinCult) has proposed amendments to Russian copyright law in order to shut down pirate web-sites very fast and without bureaucracy. According to these amendments, operator of search engine must publish on web-site of search engine its trading name, place and address of residence and email address for communication.

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Russian ministry of culture proposed to repeal permission to distribute movies made for TV

Russian Ministry of Culture (MinCult) has proposed amendments to law on “State support of Russian cinematography”. These amendments repeal permission necessary for distribution of movies in Russian internal market if movies in question have been produced for TV broadcasting. Owners of internet cinemas have a hope that these amendments would also cover online distribution.

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