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Category: Royalties

Russian business outlined all its complaints in one “book”

In Russia it was established institute of ombudsman presenting and protecting interests of Russian business. For certain industry of business there is special representative of ombudsman, who summarizes all complaints stated by business and puts them on paper. Each year ombudsman makes report to Russian president and proposes the ways to resolve problems outlined in book of complaints.

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What right holders are so concerned about in Russia in relation to new features of legal services?

Different services and companies in Russia clear copyright in content like music or video in order to provide their services consisting of entertainment content. The price for rights can be very high and the company, acquiring opportunity to use copyright protected content in its services, does not have any guarantee that its investments can be recouped.

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Public comment by National Religious Broadcasting Music License Committee concerning review of rules on collective rights management

Consent Decrees remain essential to foster competitive market pricing for music performance rights. SESAC exercises substantial market power as a licensing collective and should be subject to regulation comparable to that to which ASCAP and BMI are subject. Copyright law principles and market structure coalesce to eliminate competition in the marketplace for music performance rights. These combined factors give the PROs enormous market power insulated from competitive forces.

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Draft proposal for a directive on copyright in DSM – online services and right holders

Online services providing access to copyright protected content uploaded by their users without the involvement of right holders have flourished and have become main sources of access to content online. This affects right holders’ possibilities to determine whether, and under which conditions, their work and other subject-matter are used as well as their possibilities to get an appropriate remuneration for it.

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Fair Play Fair Pay Act of 2017

This bill amends federal copyright law to extend a sound recording copyright owner’s rights to include the exclusive right to perform or authorize the performance of the recording publicly by means of any audio transmission, thereby requiring terrestrial AM/FM broadcast radio stations that play copyrighted sound recordings to pay royalties for the nondigital audio transmissions of the recordings.

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The public comment by Music Manager’s Forum on collective rights management rules review

The CMOs should have the ability alone or in association with other rights administration entities (such as the pre-existing Harry Fox agency) to bundle the performing and the mechanical right for blanket licensing to music users in a transparent manner using common unique works identifiers for the musical compositions to promote transparency and facilitate accurate data matching.

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Draft proposal for a directive on copyright in DSM – rights for publishers of news publications

A free and pluralist press is essential to ensure quality journalism and citizens’ access to information. It provides a fundamental contribution to public debate and the proper functioning of a democratic society. In the transition from print to digital, publishers of news publications are facing problems in licencing the online use of their news publications and recouping their investments. In the absence of recognition of publishers of news publications as right holders, licencing in the digital environment and online enforcement is often complex and inefficient.

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Bart Herbison’s public comment on collective rights management rules review

The Consent Decrees are not only outdated, they are obsolete. With new delivery systems for music emerging almost daily, the only possible way to keep pace is in the marketplace. Allowing the marketplace to develop new and innovative music licensing and collection models is the path to establishing true competition.

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Proposal for directive to implement Marrakesh Treaty throughout EU

The Marrakesh Treaty was adopted in 2013 at the WIPO with the aim of facilitating the availability and cross-border exchange of books and other print material in accessible formats around the world. It was signed by the Union in April 2014. The Treaty requires the parties to provide exceptions or limitations to copyright and related rights for the benefit of blind, visually impaired and otherwise print-disabled persons and allows for the cross-border exchange of special format copies of books, including audio books, and other print material between countries that are parties to the Treaty.

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