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Day: 25 October 2016

Kullberg and Landon v. Pure Flix Entertainment or Rise and God is not dead screenplays are different original works

Plaintiffs asserted that Defendants infringed Plaintiffs’ exclusive rights in their copyright to Plaintiffs’ Rise screenplay, in violation of Title 17 U.S.C. § 106, by preparing unauthorized derivative works, namely Defendants’ God’s Not Dead (“GND”) screenplay and motion picture. Plaintiffs alleged that as a result of Defendants’ copyright infringement, Plaintiffs were prevented from making the Rise film and each receiving their 50% interests.

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Therese Comodini Cachia on a coherent EU policy for cultural and creative industries

Cultural and creative industries (CCIs) operate in a constantly evolving environment dominated by the development and use of digital information and communications technology on a global scale. They are based on and promote individual creativity, cultural value, skills and talent with the potential to create wealth and jobs through generating value from intellectual property.

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