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Month: April 2019

Human rights council asked Putin to decline and improve the law on fake news

Human rights council under the Russian president Vladimir Putin also does not like the new laws on fake news and insulting of Russian official authorities. The council asked the Putin to reject the law, but it asked to improve these laws. According to the council the law “unproportionally restricts the right on freedom of expression”. The liability, provided for dissemination of fake news, is excessive council believes.

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Russian state duma approved the idea to equate paper and digital agreements

The new amendments to Russian civil code provide new type of rights – the digital rights. These amendments define what the digital right is. Actually new amendments aim to regulate crypto assets, digital financial assets and alternative means of investments (сrowd funding). It seems not so soon all amendments will became an adopted law.

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How The Queen’s Corgi triumphed over Hurvínek in Russian screening race

The Russian rulings provide the Russian ministry of culture with right to change the date of release for foreign movie if the Russian movie is to be also released on the same dates. So most often the Hollywood movies fall under these rules. That is what happened with cartoon “The Queen’s Corgi”, but the outcome was unexpected.

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Meeting with celebrity is not consideration for copyright assignment

Fraser Munden and Michael Glasz are professional filmmakers specialized in documentary filmmaking. They operate a production company under the name Thoroughbred Pictures Inc. which was incorporated in 2013. Fraser is responsible for the creative works and Michael is responsible for the administration of the company. Alexandre Choko, is a real estate agent who, at all relevant times herein, was a boxing promoter, author of a published work entitled “The Future of Boxing” and boxer.

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India’s draft national e-commerce policy – data is the new oil.

Within a short period in the recent past, the significance of economic activities in the digital space has grown substantially, both globally and in India. This draft Document seeks to provide for consideration and discussion, a possible policy framework that will enable the country to benefit from rapid digitalization of the domestic, as well as global economy. Consumer protection, data privacy and maintenance of a level-playing field are some of the crucial issues.

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