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Month: June 2015

White paper – Enforcing right in a meaningful manner

Respect for IP rights is an essential feature of the innovation value chain, since rights that cannot be enforced are of no (economic) value. The lack of a clear and predictable IP enforcement system had a chilling effect on investment in IP in general. Effective enforcement of copyright in the digital world is challenging because of the inherent cross-border nature of the internet, the remaining differences in national IP enforcement systems, and the speed with which commercial-scale infringers can change the sources and location of their infringing activity.

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Padawan case – Legal assessment

Concept of “fair compensation” (de)

It may be inferred from the drafting history of Directive 2001/29 that the concept of ‘fair compensation’ in Article 5(2)(b) was intended to be a ‘new concept’, which, in the absence of a legal definition in the Commission proposal, required the Council to lay down guidelines on its application. Those guidelines may now be found in recital 35 in the preamble to the directive. It follows that the intention of the Community legislature was to introduce a new concept at Community level, without it being linked with pre-existing concepts in international copyright law or that of the Member States. This differentiates this concept somewhat from the concept of ‘equitable remuneration’ used in Article 5 and Article 8(2) of Directive 2006/115, which originated from international copyright law and was adopted verbatim in the Community legal system.

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Why current Russian law makes implementation of Russian internet tax impossible?

Why Russian government, Russian ministry of culture, rights holders, who have proposed their own idea of registry of rights in content for their exercise in internet and hope to receive money from Russian state for its implementation, did not mention one very important thing? Who has proposed this idea? The answer is – Russian Union of Right holders, collecting private copying levy.

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MinCom upholds proposed alternative to Russian “internet tax”

According to RBC Internet companies at the meeting in MinCom considered the idea of single registry of rights in content for its usage in internet. Among the participants at the meeting were internet companies, right holders and representatives of Mincom and Ministry of economic development. There was no representative of Ministry of culture who did not only uphold the Russian “internet tax” but also formulate it in writing. Participants decided to develop idea in working groups and make from this idea a draft law.

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