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Month: April 2017

Online Platforms and the Digital Single Market

Online platforms have dramatically changed the digital economy over the last two decades and bring many benefits in today’s digital society. They play a prominent role in the creation of ‘digital value’ that underpins future economic growth in the EU and consequently are of major importance to the effective functioning of the digital single market.

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Developers of Russian software can be obliged to disclose source code of program

Russian governmental decree prescribes to use Russian software at the expense of Russian state budget. If there is Russian analogue of foreign software the state authority must obtain Russian software product. The special register of Russian software lists all software admitted as produced in Russia.

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Draft proposal for a directive on copyright in DSM – online services and right holders

Online services providing access to copyright protected content uploaded by their users without the involvement of right holders have flourished and have become main sources of access to content online. This affects right holders’ possibilities to determine whether, and under which conditions, their work and other subject-matter are used as well as their possibilities to get an appropriate remuneration for it.

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Why Russian Senator Bokova likes torrents?

Russian business publishing house Kommersant has organised panel discussion “Internet and law”. The Russian Senator Ludmila Bokova has been invited. She explained the difference between cinema and torrents. Why torrents are more popular than cinemas? Internet users don’t need to pay for torrents, which are cheaper than prices of tickets to cinema.

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Proposed amendments to proposed directive by Helga Stevens, Helga Trüpel and Rosa Estaràs Ferragut to implement Marrakesh Treaty throughout EU

The exercise of the exceptions provided (de) for by this Directive should be without prejudice to other more favourable exceptions for persons with disabilities provided for by the Member States, such as those relating to private use. Member States shall ensure that the exceptions to copyright and to related rights provided for in paragraph 1 cannot be superseded by technological measures or by contract.

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Fair Play Fair Pay Act of 2017

This bill amends federal copyright law to extend a sound recording copyright owner’s rights to include the exclusive right to perform or authorize the performance of the recording publicly by means of any audio transmission, thereby requiring terrestrial AM/FM broadcast radio stations that play copyrighted sound recordings to pay royalties for the nondigital audio transmissions of the recordings.

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Promoting a fair and efficient European copyright-based economy in the Digital Single Market

Digital technologies have transformed the distribution of and access to copyright-protected content through a growing variety of online services. However, the availability of online content differs from one Member State to another and citizens are often not able to access content across borders.

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