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Category: Internet

Amendments to Michel Reimon’s draft opinion of EU action plan to enforce IP rights

According to the Commission, the cultural and creative sectors, often IPR intensive, already account for up to 4.5% of GDP and up to 8.5 million jobs in the European Union and are not only essential for cultural diversity but also significantly contribute to social and economic development. The key objective of the Action Plan should be to ensure the effective enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) which plays a key role in stimulating innovation, creativity, competitiveness, growth and cultural diversity.

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Russian pirate church intends to repeal Rutracker’s permanent blocking in Russian Supreme court

If a certain activity, considered from judicial point of view as a piracy, for some people is necessary due to their faith, regardless of whether sincerely or just for fun or for personal advantage, can it be respected by law and enforcement authorities and courts even if such activity infringes copyright law? Article 28 of Russian constitution guarantees the freedom of religion.

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Another popular Russian web-resource is to be permanently blocked for copyright infringement

Russian popular web-site Librusec ( is to be permanently blocked for copyright infringement under Moscow court order. Russian publishing house “AST” has applied for preliminary measure in order to protect its copyright in three literary works illegally placed on web-site in question.

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S.I.A.E.’s public comment on collective management rules review

Right holders should be permitted to grant ASCAP and BMI rights other than those of public performances. The right holders will be allowed to confer the administration of their repertoires to the same Collecting Society for both performing and mechanical rights, and consequently the Collecting Society will be able to provide users with a “one-stop shop”, thus facilitating their job.

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Russian publishing house Eksmo failed to shut down Yandex only because it can find

Russian association on protection of copyright (AZAPI) on behalf of Russian publishing house Eksmo sued Yandex and requested it to cease showing pirate links in its search results. “Google deletes pirate links without court order. We follow voluntary approach.” – said Ryabiko, the chief of AZAPI. If Google is so good, why Yandex should not be?

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