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Category: Enforcement

Jean-Marie Cavada’s amendments to Pavel Svoboda’s draft report on EU Action Plan to enforce IP Rights

The EU faces a high number of intellectual property rights infringements, and the volume and financial value of these infringements are alarming, as reported by the Commission in its report on the application of the Directive on the enforcement of intellectual property rights (COM(2010)0779); these figures also illustrate the added value which IPR represent for the European economy in global competition. Law enforcement is essential, and whereas Member States must adopt measures to enforce IPR effectively.

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2015 Report on EU customs enforcement of intellectual property rights

The annual publication of the result of customs actions at the EU external borders provides an opportunity to measure the scale of customs actions to enforce IPR. The enforcement of IPR by customs is a priority for the Commission and the Member States. For many years customs administrations in the Union have been known for their high standard of enforcement of IPR. In 2014, customs authorities made over 95.000 detentions, consisting of a total of 35,5 million articles. The domestic retail value of the detained articles represented over 600 million euros.

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Almost half of all toys in Russian market are counterfeited

Kids toys industry association claims increasing figures of counterfeited products in Russian market due to financial circumstances of customers. In 2012 share of counterfeited products in the field of toys for children was about 30%. Now 43% of toys in Russia market are counterfeited – this is figure for first half of 2016.

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Russian Authors’ Society is under enforcement fire again

This time it is much more seriously. Not only business activity of accredited collecting society is in the field of interests of Russian law enforcement authorities, but also top management of organisation get their attention. Now not only Russian ministry of internal affairs but also Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) try to find out all aspects of very old issue.

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National intellectual property rights policy of India

An all-encompassing IPR Policy will promote a holistic and conducive ecosystem to catalyse the full potential of intellectual property for India’s economic growth and socio-cultural development, while protecting public interest. The rationale for the National IPR Policy lies in the need to create awareness about the importance of IPRs as a marketable financial asset and economic tool. The Policy lays down seven Objectives which are elaborated with steps to be undertaken by the identified nodal Ministry/ department.

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Draft second act amending the Telemedia Act: material content of the draft – conditions of liability

Service providers are in principle not responsible for external information saved for a user as long as they are not aware of the unlawful action or information. In the case of claims for damages this only applies if they do not know of any facts or circumstances from which the unlawful action or information becomes apparent. In the case of certain services whose business model is based on the infringement of intellectual property rights, it may be assumed, based on general experience of life, that the service provider will be sufficiently aware of many facts and items of information from which the unlawful action or information becomes apparent.

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Russian enforcement authorities have not found corpus delicti in business activity of Russian accredited collective management organisations.

Russian enforcement authorities have inspected business activity of Russian collective management societies and have not found any offence. Earlier deputies from Russian state duma have asked for inspection of three Russian accredited CMO – Russian authors society, All-Russian intellectual property organisation and Russian Union of right holders.

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USITC’ TPPA likely impact assessment: intellectual property rights

In accordance with section 105(c) of the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015, this report, by the U.S. International Trade Commission (Commission or USITC), assesses the likely effects of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP, TPP Agreement, or the agreement) on the U.S. economy as a whole and on specific industry sectors.

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German Klimenko, Russian president’s councilor on internet, about copyright, permanent blocking and torrent trackers

Russian president’s advisor gave interview to Russian newspaper, he personally explained what he kept in mind when stated certain things about copyright, torrents, permanent web-site blockings, Google, competition and Russian economy.

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