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Category: Media

Russian TV companies have reached agreement in order to guard their positions in market

Chiefs of Russian television companies – Russian First channel, All Russian tele-radio-broadcasting company, GasProm Media, STS media and National Media Group – have reached preliminary arrangement at the meeting. Russian TV companies want to protect brands and keep exclusive in popular TV shows without buyout of rights in content.

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Proposals to Directive on copyright in DSM – presumption for publishers of press publications

A free and pluralist press is essential to ensure quality journalism and citizens’ access to information. It provides a fundamental contribution to public debate and the proper functioning of a democratic society. The sustainability of the press publishing industry should therefore be ensured.

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Russian ministry of culture proposed to repeal permission to distribute movies made for TV

Russian Ministry of Culture (MinCult) has proposed amendments to law on “State support of Russian cinematography”. These amendments repeal permission necessary for distribution of movies in Russian internal market if movies in question have been produced for TV broadcasting. Owners of internet cinemas have a hope that these amendments would also cover online distribution.

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Collective management organisation SIA AKKA/LAA v. Radio SWH

SIA AKKA/LAA (SIA “Autortiesību un komunicēšanās konsultāciju aģentūra/Latvijas Autoru apvienība” –Copyright and Communication Consulting Agency ltd./Latvian Authors Association) is a non-profit organisation founded in Riga by a separate non-profit organisation, the Latvian Authors Association, whose members are various Latvian artists.

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Russian Roskomnadzor published draft order regulating implementation of law on VPN services in Russia

In accordance with Russian law on VPN services adopted in Russia, VPN services, operating in Russia, and search engines, facilitating access to VPN services, are obliged to be connected to Russian federal information system, listing informational resources and info-telecommunication networks the access in Russia has been restricted thereto.

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Web-resource revealed payola conditions of its very good “colleague” – Match TV and Match TV are big “friends” in sport world. Sometimes they express “compliments” with each other. This time it was turn of The web-resource revealed payola conditions of Match TV. If you are football club and need promotion – pay and receive broadcasting time. The prices are good – it is big Russian federal channel.

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SWD Impact assessment on the modernisation of EU copyright rules – the general objective

The Internet has favoured the entry of new market players and the development of new services (e.g. music streaming services, Video on Demand – VoD – platforms, etc.) providing access to a large quantity and variety of content online. Digital technologies also offer new opportunities to cultural heritage institutions (CHIs) willing to digitise and disseminate parts of their collections that would otherwise remain confined to their premises with limited access to the public.

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