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Russian ministry of culture proposed to repeal permission to distribute movies made for TV

Russian Ministry of Culture (MinCult) has proposed amendments to law on “State support of Russian cinematography”. These amendments repeal permission necessary for distribution of movies in Russian internal market if movies in question have been produced for TV broadcasting. Owners of internet cinemas have a hope that these amendments would also cover online distribution.

Explanation note to drafted amendments states that currently it is not possible to define when the movie is created only for television broadcast. Such uncertainty creates problem with execution of Russian law. According to proposal, if the movie has been produced for television, cable or satellite broadcasting, the permission for distribution is not necessary. But MinCult underlines, that there can’t be made a clear difference between movies made for broadcasting or for demonstration in cinemas.

Explanation note also states that without permission for distribution the information, forbidden in Russia, would not be disseminated through TV. Russian law on mass media forbids using of Russian media in order to disseminate illegal or forbidden information in Russia. This law also provides a responsibility for violations of law on mass media.

Besides, in many cases the movie is broadcasted only after it has been shown in cinemas. In order to show movie in cinema it is also necessary to receive permission. Therefore mostly movies broadcasted in TV already have been approved for distribution in Russia.