Deputy of CEO “STS Media” Sergey Petrov stated Russian companies can uphold restrictions for video streaming market in Russia. It is necessary for competition with online service Netflix. Russian companies can propose their amendments in Russian law – restrictions designed to support development of Russian video streaming market. “STS Media” underlined, that Petrov stated so as president of Media-communication alliance, but not as representative of company. “It is true, companies must have incorporated representative offices in Russia, become tax residents, turnover of payments, receiving from customers, should pass through Russian taxable base and the country could receive opportunity to improve domestic content” – said Petrov.
They have concern that American company due to devaluation of Russian rouble can buy content from Russian companies for low price what in its turn can do harm to Russian domestic online-video services. They believe that Netflix must russify its service and pay taxes to Russian budget.
Deputy of Russian minister of communication Alexey Volin agrees with industry intention to regulate Netflix work in Russia. He believes American company has to obtain broadcast licence and mass-media licence. “Personally, I believe arguments of our industry is reasonable, Netflix should receive broadcast licence and licence for mass media. We don’t know Netflix arguments, because this company did not contact Russian ministry of communication (Mincom) before to start its activity in Russia.” – said Volin. He also has mentioned it is his own, personal opinion, but it will affect position of public authority on this issue. Mincom did not make any official statement. “We shall see what we shall see” – he said.