Mass media has found out one interesting thing about German Klimenko. According to vedomosti torrent tracker is in a field of his interests. He was owner of this website. He handed over this business to his son in order to be president’s counsellor on internet. On main page of Liveinternet, popular platform for bloggers in Russia founded by Klimenko, there is advertisement of Torrnado service.
According to whois service domain belongs to “ECO PC-Complex Solutions” ltd (stated in English). In Russian data base “Spark-Interfax” there is company with similar name in Russian. The owner of company is Alevtina Yakobson. She is also director of this company. According to Klimanko’s words, Yakobson is his long-time employee. Klimenko did not answer directly whether he is owner of this website and left questions about legal nature of content on this website without answers. But in one of his posts on Facebook he mentioned he “never denied” his affiliation with Torrnado. Perhaps that is why Klimenko believes it is not good and suitable time to force a copyright protection in Russia.