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Russian president’s counselor is not going to apologise to right holders for “greedy ghouls”

He did not even read this open letter published by major Russian right holders. German Klimenko one more time confirmed he is not going to deny his own words “greedy ghouls” in relation to right holders. He assumed that right holders, who requested him to apologise, can be those who lobbied the law about permanent blocking of domain But there is one detail. Permanent blocking is a result of law implementation; the law was not adopted to specially block and perhaps right holders can consider opportunity to block domain affiliated with German Klimenko. Perhaps Russian president’s counselor also concerns about?

“First of all, I even did not read what they wrote. But other question is very interesting – bad people around me, suddenly come out and declare “I’m not bad”. Nobody meant a people, the point was: if right holders want population to get legal and honest it is necessary to bring the prices down. But they don’t do it because they are greedy ghouls. I don’t deny my words at all. And when people say to me – German, are you going to apologise? I say: first of all I’m not going even to read it.” – Klimenko explained his position. “If they (right holders) have taken it personally, it means, with all my respect to First Channel, something is happening there. It means, apparently, their conscience is guilty.” – Klimenko added.