Russian internet service providers (ISP) propose to provide them with authority to decide who deserves better bandwidth and when. It means Russian ISP could cut the traffic when they believe it is necessary and justified. Does it mean that they don’t have enough capacity to ensure net neutrality or they just endeavor to control the internet?
Russian ISPs want to receive the right to decide when they can provide a priority for the internet traffic. It could mean “soft” refusal from net neutrality and “reasonable restriction and control of traffic”. This idea can become a law. As a result, in a case when the network is overloaded, the ISP can provide priority for its own or partner’s services, or provide priority for vitally important data. The authors of this idea claim “all discussions are of preliminary nature”.
But Russian Federal Antitrust Service (FAS) believes such idea is not rational. “The current principles of net neutrality demonstrated their effectiveness. Any restriction of these principles must be justified, regulated and widely discussed. Now it is very hard to imagine what situations could justify restriction of net neutrality principles”, – stated FAS representative Elena Zaeva.