Russian state duma has adopted the draft law on mandatory pre-sale installation of Russian software on gadgets in the second reading. If this draft law enters into force in Russia the Apple and Google would be obliged to work with Russian software developers, because their smartphones (cells) should contain the Russian applications in oder to be sold in Russian internal market. Whether Apple or Google consider option to agree with new “idea” provided in draft law or to leave Russian market?
The Russian district court has revoked the magistrate court’s decision on fine for fake news. It was the first decision in Russia under the fake news law. The magistrate court has decided to impose a fine for dissemination of fake news. The publisher, accused of fake news dissemination, has appealed to the district court. The district court revoked the decision because the defendant has been not duly notified and referred the case to the magistrate court to be considered de novo.
And, finally, about the regualtion of mass media in internet environment. Recently the major media and news publishing houses have asked Russian internet watchdog Roskomnadzor to make clear on hyperlinking. They asked whether placing a hyperlink to the web-site or web-page with information containing obscene or extremist material triggers liability for dissemination of forbidden information even if such information is placed on third parties web-resource and could be changed even after publication of hyperlink?
The Roskomnadzor has explained in its usual manner – shortly and simple. Mass media are liable for placing of hyperlinks to extremist or obscene materials. So, such logic could mean – no hyperlinks to the original source in order to avoid a punishment. According to the RKN’s logic, the hyperlink is a part of content, therefore the editor of mass media is to be aware of relevant legal requirements to the content in question. So, as usual: no details and no adequate explanation.
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